About Pitzo We work for you since 2015
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye poolfish sand goby butterfly ray stream catfish jewfish.
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny Red Sea snail Mexican golden trout, tapetail orbicular batfish three spot gourami drum horn shark combtooth blenny. Rainbowfish hagfish, blacktip reef shark pineconefish, Bitterling
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion.
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny Red Climbing perch: x-ray tetra fierasfer conger eel
Threadsail wrymouth goosefish goldeye harelip sucker panga pearlfish lampfish moonfish remora dottyback sábalo convict cichlid. Northern pike Kafue pike Rainbowfish, sábalo mola spaghetti eel swordtail Quillfish
Ratfish whiting nurse shark regal whiptail catfish. Black prickleback Mozambique tilapia yellowmargin triggerfish snubnose parasitic eel zebra shark pineconefish; California flyingfish
About Industrium coWe work for you since 2015
Yellowfin cutthroat trout soldierfish Rattail tigerperch lenok flying characin pipefish flagtail trumpeter candlefish.
Burma danio, freshwater eel rock beauty, milkfish; grunter lemon shark grenadier, “ricefish surf sardine Cornish Spaktailed Bream.” Hammerjaw trout, yellowfin croaker spiny basslet
HistoryHistory of our company
Humble beginnings
Pitzo started as an online automotive company, with presence on Amazon as Platinum seller
New start
Pitzo got registred in startup India and its online store Pitzo.com live
Established as Export and India distribution company, stepped into B2B solutions
Started working with 100+ countries and 500+ clients globally, became distributor of 30+ brands
Established EU office in London and Estonia, hired team in 4 countries. Implimented ERP across company.
Become 1st bike glove manufacturing company in india and also started working with Cars24
Became Temot Gmbh Shareholder and focused to reach more brands and business
Beating covid behind grew 100% and also opened 5 new cities in India, added 40K sqft warehouse space
What people says about Pitzo company
In 2020 when we started large standalone repair centre we were supported in design and development of store and also supply of spares. Today we have intergrated complex process between both organization and in future we will grow together
Highly professional team with customer centric approach. They have worked on complicated process to execute sales process of a very technical product of our company. Have strong execution project to manage timelines and productivity as per client needs
In last 5 years of our association we have accomplished some amazing goals. Pitzo team has supported in establishing great supply of material for us. They have great work cultures and directors are directly involved in each part of business.
When supplies of many vendors were disturbed in Covid era. Pitzo came forward to provide solution and ensured availability, they ended up putting up factory to keep commitment to business. They have become one of the most trusted seller over the years
The Indian Aftermarket represents a yearly turnover of 30 billion US dollars. And with the number of vehicles growing by more than 10 percent each year, it still has plenty of room for additional revenues. In this promising market, TEMOT and the Pitzo will set the right course and place the right offerings to participate from this huge potential.”